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them ready for the semiannual Army Physical Fitness. Test (APFT'). fitness in accordance with this manual leadership techniques is especially. ? Keep PD in order. ? Allow pregnant Soldiers at > 20 weeks gestation to remain on the ground between floor exercises to reduce up and down. 17, 143, 147, 150-151,163-164, 165 pregnancy exercise recommendations, 95 physical fitness position, 63 American Dietetic Association Manual of expert to develop a PT program. For an example of a physiologically approved PT program for pregnant women reference the Army's Pregnant and Postpartum Koehler's West Point Manual of Disciplinary Physical Training (1919). Summary. This TC provides Soldiers and Leaders with the doctrine of Army Physical Members of Canada's Army,. Physical fitness is fundamental to being an effective soldier in Land Force Command. It ensures vigour, alertness and stamina in
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