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?Download The IIA Certification Candidate Handbook · The certification process. · Applying for a certification program. · Accessing and using The IIA's whereby The IIA reaches out to candidates, certification holders, This handbook was created to help you understand why and how the CIA exam is changing. The IIA offers two core global certifications: the Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®) and the Certification in. Risk Management Assurance® (CRMA®). Information These documents provide an overview of the qualification program, how to access The IIA's Certification Candidate Management System (CCMS), registering and ??Download Candidate Handbooks. The CIA® and CRMA® Certification Candidate Handbook. Steps to Certification; Accessing and using The IIA's Certification The information in this handbook describes the application, registration, and certification processes for those IIA certification.The IIA-Australia has developed the GradCertIA handbook which outlines all the key information about this Graduate Certificate. This handbook provides certification information for The IIA's Certified Internal. Auditor® (CIA®), Certification in Risk Management Assurance® (CRMA®), Visit globaliia.org/QIAL for more information. Qualification in Internal Audit Leadership™ (QIAL™) Candidate Handbook There are many reasons to obtain an IIA designation. Whether it is the hallmark designation of internal auditing — the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA)
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