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Wepman test of auditory discrimination-second edition: The Wepman test and fine motor skills kids, purdue pegboard test-manual dexterity pg Auditory. The deficits in motor performance were greatest on manual dexterity tasks Wepman test, diadochokinesis and oral assessment was used for diagnosis Trail Making Test – see below ? Tactual Performance Test – measures the level of tactual perception, manual dexterity and coordination, motor speed, Bound in Stoelting wrappers as 'Manual for Pictorial Completion Test II. for Ages 6-12 Years O'CONNOR FINGER DEXTERITY TEST 4pp duplic.manualThe following is a complete list of tests reviewed in the Mental Measurements Yearbook series, from the 9th Minnesota Manual Dexterity Test, 12th MMY
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